August 28, 2015 I had a chance to go to a gathering in Dublin, Georgia to see my Congressman Rick Allen about the recent vote in Congress dealing with the Confederate Flag.
Congress had done a voice vote on two amendments regarding the Confederate Flag. They passed by voice vote but were subsequently
These amendments were written by a Californian Congressman named Huffman. The two amendments follow.
At the end of the bill, before the short title, insert
the following:
1 SEC. ll. None of the funds made available by this
2 Act may be used to implement National Park Service Di-
3 rector’s Order 61 as it pertains to allowing a grave in any
4 Federal cemetery to be decorated with a Confederate flag.
At the end of the bill, before the short title, insert
the following:
1 SEC. ll. None of the funds made available by this
2 Act may be used to enter into a new contract or agreement
3 or to administer a portion of an existing contract or agree-
4 ment with a concessioner, a cooperating association, or
5 any other entity that provides for the sale in any facility
6 within a unit of the National Park System of an item with
7 a Confederate flag as a stand-alone feature.
Upon contacting my Congressman Rick Allen's office I was told that Allen was taking calls on the issue. I could not believe that my congressman would even consider banning Confederate Flags.
I received the following letter from Congressman Allen. Upon reading it I read between the lines that he was in support of the removal of Confederate Flags. When I found out that he would be in town I decided to bring my letter and ask him in his presence if this was true.
The County Courthouse is not far from my Confederate Vetrerans home built in 1873. I walked down and found a gathering outside of County Commissioners, Chamber members, city council and others from the community. I carried a Confederate Flag I have had for over 20 years. The looks on the crowds faces were typical like a deer in the headlights. I greeted a few folks I knew including a history professor who had invited me to give a talk on Reconstruction in Georgia in his classroom at our local university......The head of the State VFW approached me and said he liked my flag. I was also wearing my Confederate Kapi.
It was then picture time for the entire group so I went to the back of the group with my flag. Previously Congressman Allen had shook my hand. While standing behind I was asked by a member of his staff to move out of the picture. My response was NO....this is a free country. The picture was taken.
We then all moved indoors for a meeting. I was still carrying my Confederate Flag and stood with everybody else listening....the meeting went on for about 20 minutes and then the official meeting was over.
I then approached the congressman as seen in the picture above. I waited my turn to discuss the flag issue.
We then had a conversation. I discussed his letter and what the meaning was. Of course he was avoiding the meaning of his letter and I had to ask three different times. Eventually I asked "Do you support what Niki Haley of South Carolina did by taking down the Confederate Flag." His answer was YES!
During the conversation several items to note.....upon inquiry Allen defended himself...... he got defensive and said I should run for office against him......he said that the flag caused problems for States and business and that some people were offended. I mentioned that it was a part of our history and heritage and should not be taken down.
He mentioned he had been in business for 30 years....I answered back that I have been in business for 20 years and by having my own business nobody could fire me for carrying and supporting the flag.
Allen asked me if my children supported what I was doing (say what?) response was that they were not as politically active as I was. I did mention to him that my daughter had written her us senator and I was proud of that.
The conversation went on for a few more minutes and then he left. I was talking to one of the County Commissioners about his Confederate Ancestor and the pistol he had in his possession. So many Southerners actually support the Confederate Flag but hide their views due to political correctness.
All of the sudden Mr. Allen came back into the room and walked up to me. It was just he and I in the room. Clearly he was concerned that he had let the cat out of the bag regarding not supporting the Confederate Flag. He started talking about his christian faith and how christ leads him every day. I found this to be a defense of his position on the flag as if saying being a christian gave excuse for his anti-flag stance. One's faith is a private thing and does not need to be used for politics btw.
I found this entire event with Allen a confirmation of my initial belief that Allen was against the Confederate Flag. In our conversation I used my knowledge of history gained by spending 3 years of research and writing on my book about my ancestor. I mentioned to Allen my ancestor was a member of the 41st us Congress. Allen was antagonistic in a gentlemanly way. When I left I actually felt sorry for him.
I did learn one thing about the vote on the amendments. The CA congressman had done the voice vote at midnight. Clearly Rep Huffman is your typical California Fruit Cake Coward. The only fruit cake I like comes from Claxton, Georgia.
As Ronnie Van Zant said "A Southern Man don't need him around anyhow."
Rep. Huffman: Shameful that House Republicans quashed progress made to take down Confederate Flag
Press Release
Huffman: “Symbols matter.”
“The United States House of Representatives had an opportunity to add its voice to end the
promotion of the cruel, racist legacy of the Confederacy. My amendments were intended to
help move us in the direction of reconciliation, unity, and justice. Initially, it appeared that
my GOP colleagues would join us in the movement to take down the Confederate battle flag
and unanimously supported my amendments.
“But politics has now barred the way forward. It is shameful that House leadership has
decided to pull the entire Interior Appropriations bill over this issue in order to prevent
a public debate and vote.
“Symbols matter. Even General Robert E. Lee recognized that symbols of the Confederacy
are symbols of treason—which is why he asked that they not appear in his funeral. The United
States Congress in 2015 should be at least as forward-looking as Robert E. Lee was in 1869.”